"How cosmological expansion affects communication between distant quantum systems"
A. Lapponi, O. Luongo, S. Mancini, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 111, 044040 (2025)
"Horizon entanglement area law from regular black hole thermodynamics"
A. Belfiglio, S. Mahesh Chandran, O. Luongo, S. Mancini, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 111, 024013 (2025)
"Discrimination of bosonic dephasing quantum channels"
S. Khabbazi-Oskouei, L. Memarzadeh, M. Rexiti, S. Mancini, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 58, 025302 (2025)
"Entanglement entropy in quantum black holes"
A. Belfiglio, O. Luongo, S. Mancini, S. Tomasi, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 42, 035006 (2025)
"Preserving quantum information in f(Q) non-metric gravity cosmology"
S. Capozziello, A. Lapponi, O. Luongo, S. Mancini, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 84, 1081 (2024)
"Making two particle detectors in flat spacetime communicate quantumly"
A. Lapponi, J. Louko, S. Mancini, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 110, 025018 (2024)
"On the effectiveness of Bayesian discrete feedback for quantum information reclaiming"
M. Rexiti, S. Khabbazi-Oskouei, S. Mancini, QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING 23, 258 (2024)
"Invariant measures on p-adic Lie groups:
The p-adic quaternionic algebra and the Haar integral on the p-adic rotation groups"
P. Aniello, S. L’Innocente, S. Mancini, V. Parisi, I. Svampa, A. Winter, LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 114, 78 (2024)
"Super-horizon entanglement from inflationary particle production"
A. Belfiglio, O. Luongo, Stefano Mancini, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 109, 123520 (2024)
"Feynman's "Simulating Physics with Computers"
Paul M. Alsing, Carlo Cafaro, Stefano Mancini, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 63, 117 (2024)
"Entanglement area law violation from field-curvature coupling"
Alessio Belfiglio, Orlando Luongo, Stefano Mancini, PHYSICS LETTERS B 848, 138398 (2024)
"Quantum reading of quantum information"
Samad Khabbazi Oskouei, Stefano Mancini, Milajiguli Rexiti, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 56, 485302 (2023)
"On the capacity of a quantum perceptron for storing biased patterns"
Fabio Benatti, Giovanni Gramegna, Stefano Mancini, Gibbs Nwemadji, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 57, 025301 (2023)
"Entanglement entropy for spherically symmetric regular black holes"
Orlando Luongo, Stefano Mancini, Paolo Pierosara, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 108, 104059 (2023)
"Profitable entanglement for channel discrimination"
Samad Khabbazi Oskouei, Stefano Mancini, Milajiguli Rexiti, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A 479, 20220796 (2023)
"Geometry of the p-adic special orthogonal group SO(3)p"
Sara Di Martino, Stefano Mancini, Michele Pigliapochi, Ilaria Svampa, Andreas Winter
"Relativistic quantum communication between harmonic oscillator detectors"
Alessio Lapponi, Dimitris Moustos, David Edward Bruschi, Stefano Mancini
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 107, 125010 (2023)
"Comparing metrics for mixed quantum states: Sjoqvist and Bures"
Paul M. Alsing, Carlo Cafaro, Orlando Luongo, Cosmo Lupo, Stefano Mancini, Hernando Quevedo
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 107, 052411 (2023)
"Energy-constrained LOCC-assisted quantum capacity of bosonic dephasing channel"
Amir Arqand, Laleh Memarzadeh, Stefano Mancini
ENTROPY 25, 1001 (2023)
"Stabilizer codes for Open Quantum Systems"
Francisco Revson F. Pereira, Stefano Mancini, Giuliano G. La Guardia
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13, 10540 (2023)
"Routing a quantum state in a bio-inspired network"
Elham Faraji, Alireza Nourmandipour, Stefano Mancini, Marco Pettini, Roberto Franzosi
"Trace class operators and states in p-adic quantum mechanics"
Paolo Aniello, Stefano Mancini, Vincenzo Parisi
"Modeling black hole evaporative mass evolution via radiation from moving mirrors"
Michael R. R. Good, Alessio Lapponi, Orlando Luongo, Stefano Mancini
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 107, 104004 (2023)
"Inflationary entanglement"
Alessio Belfiglio, Orlando Luongo, Stefano Mancini
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 107, 103512 (2023)